📕 subnode [[@agora@botsin.space/agora bot]]
in 📚 node [[agora-bot]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-07-28.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2021-11-14.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[agora bot]]
- brought [[mastodon bot]] approximately to feature parity with [[twitter bot]]: now it follows back and it responds to all toots with [[patterns]] by followers (or at least people who followed agora bot at some point and were followed back -- need to add proper sync, [[todo]].)
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2021-12-19.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[agora bot]] is living a schizophrenic life. It behaves differently on [[twitter]] and [[mastodon]] in a way that generates friction. I find it hard to keep track of their behaviours.
- So first I'll try to document behaviours in the [[agora]].
- And then I'll try to refactor them, make them share more code, so that they can converge on the same default behaviours.
- Then I'll try to make their behaviours fully [[user programmable]].
- As for [[agora bot]], for the [[agora]].
- As for the [[agora]], for the [[world]] that wants it.
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-09-20.md by @flancian
#push [[agora bot]]
The [[Twitter Bot]] is broken as of the time of writing, Twitter is returning 429 (rate limit) for every request we send trying to read the timeline of @an_agora -- which is what we depend on to see tweets with [[wikilinks]] from users that follow the account.
- Direct mentions should still work, although a bit delayed.
- This is unrelated to the [[opt in writes]] work, which actually is now essentially working :)
- I am doing a [[refactor]] of the bot and I'll try to move to the new [[api v2]] which might have more generous limits.
The [[Twitter Bot]] is broken as of the time of writing, Twitter is returning 429 (rate limit) for every request we send trying to read the timeline of @an_agora -- which is what we depend on to see tweets with [[wikilinks]] from users that follow the account.
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/agora-bot
- video call at meet.jit.si/agora-bot